Holiday Laundry Service

Let us tackle your post-holiday washing while you relax and keep that holiday feeling for a little longer.

Post Holiday Washing Service

Holiday Laundry Service Birmingham

Let us tackle your post-holiday washing while you relax and keep that holiday feeling for a little longer.

Our Holiday Laundry service is ideal for everyday holiday clothes such as shorts, t-shirts, towels and swimwear.

Plus, you can avoid the ironing! We can iron items from your suitcase for an additional cost of £1 per item.

Book your free collection and all that’s left is to relax and think about where to go next …

Cabin Suitcase

£ 10
  • Max Size 56cm x 45cm x 25cm

Medium Suitcase

£ 15
  • Max Size 65cm x 43 cm x 30cm

Family Suitcase

£ 20
  • Max Size 75cm x 47cm x 33cm

Please note:
Maximum sizes are: Cabin 56cm x 45cm x 25cm | Medium 65cm x 43 cm x 30cm | Large 75cm x 47cm x 33cm
Remove all non-clothing items. We are unable to accept responsibility for any valuables left in your suitcase.
Ironed items will be returned folded in your suitcase unless otherwise agreed at pick up.

Dirty Holiday Laundry Left Unwashed For 3 Months After Trip

Some of us are a bit on the lazy side when it comes to getting our mountain of holiday laundry under control once we return home from a trip abroad, according to our latest research. Granted, it’s probably the last thing people feel like doing when they’re bogged down with the holiday blues, but some of you might be surprised at just how long it takes.

We spoked to 1,772 people aged 18 and over from around the UK took, all of whom had been on holiday abroad in the last 12 months and asked them questions about their unpacking habits, holiday laundry and what items they took with them during their break. Here’s what we found out.

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One Fifth of 18-30 Year Olds Still Rely on Mum and Dad For Holiday Laundry

We asked all respondents ‘How long after you returned home from your last holiday did it take for you to wash ALL of the dirty laundry you accumulated during the trip?’ to which the average answer was revealed to be ‘three months’. Anyone who told us that it took ‘one month or more’ was asked why they didn’t get around to doing their holiday washing sooner, to which 44% said they ‘prioritised other clothing’ which they needed to wear more urgently. 52% said their holiday clothing had been bought purely for trips abroad and not to wear in the UK, so they wouldn’t be needing it for a while.

you can read the full post at

washing and ironing great barr
independent family run business located in Birmingham


is on average 2 loads


Open from 9am to 8pm


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